Dimitrios S. Melas , President | Office of the President tel : 210 8802757 |
Petros A. Tzavellas , Vice President | Office of the Vice President tel : 210 8802780 |
Zhnwn D. Valmas , Vice President | Office of the Vice President tel : 210 8802740 |
Apostolos S. Lampropoulos , Director General | Office of the Director General tel : 210 8802932 |
- Payment supporting documents Control
- Payment approval and issue of payment orders
- Payment data and archives keeping
- Control of payments legality
- Supervision of the provided procedures for the recovery of unduly paid amounts as well as for the imposition of penalty
- Publication of regulations and manuals providing details for the C.A.P. implementation
- Issuing import and export licenses of agricultural products
- Participation in the competent bodies of the EU
According to the Law 2637/1998, OPEKEPE has two main responsibilities:
- OPEKEPE was established in 1998 and in 1999 became a legal entity under private law.
- Became operational and started its activity in 1.9.2001 and in 2.9.2002 OPEKEPE was accredited as a paying agency.
- Since 2005 OPEKEPE is the unique body in Greece responsible for the new C.A.P. aid schemes, which were first applied in 2006.
- In 2006, due to the reorganization of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (E.A.G.G.F.), OPEKEPE became the Paying Authority responsible for the following three funds: European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (E.A.G.F.), European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (E.A.F.R.D.), and European Fisheries Fund (E.F.F.) by virtue of Greek Law No 3508.
- The new C.A.P. led to a full reorganization of OPEKEPE, which came into force in spring 2007.